You must know that how facile it is to buy a smart phone at budget these days. Just keep ten thousand bucks in pocket, and you can buy any super vain model with finest quality and attributes. For example, there is an ascending thirst for buying Realme models simultaneously with Mi, Vivo and Oppo. And to be very honest, I don’t find a reason for not to buy any realme model. These are not just gorgeous but having a stunning appearance. For instance, let’s take the example of Realme nazro10. How fantastic the model looks like! Just unbelievable.
However, with purchasing a super dashing mobile like, realm xt or realme x1, you must understand its worth! Thus, would be pretty informed about it’s proper care just to add more protection. So, along with a phone you must purchase a mobile cover and tampered glass. Hence, let’s have fast read on types of realme mobile covers.
If you wonder, what a mobile cover is?
Now, I am sure you do not yet, if you have little confusion about it, then to ensure you, it’s a thin lid that blankets back side of a mobile and certifies it’s ultimate protection. In majority of the time, it’s made up with plastic, fiber and silicon. Every mobile model has a specific cover based on the size of a mobile.
Following the same statement, a new phrase has participated into the picture and that is a custom mobile cover. Which Means, a mobile cover that can be made as well as designed as per customer’s indulgence and creativity. However, presently an ardent craze for custom mobile covers has been noticed here and there. As these are significantly popularized as impressive gift items.

How to print something on a mobile cover and which shop could be better for doing this?
For example, let’s consider you have bought a realm xT, a couple of weeks ago. And you want to warp it with a mobile cover. Now, you are oscillating between style and robust quality, which one should you choose. So, while the mind is bubbling with confusion and worries better listen my advice and buy a personalised back cover for your mobile. You need to stick with few steps in order to getting one.
At the first, Google an online custom store. Immediately you can see a many of these. Like, printland.in, vistaprint etc. Choose one that sooths your mind.
Let’s say you have chosen Printland.in. Now, explore the site a little in order to garner few important facts.
Now, heads towards it’s mobile section and scroll down to the varieties. You can observe existence of popular brands like, Infix, oppo, realme, Mi, Vivo, iPhone, Iphone x, Samsung etc.
Then measure your mobile’s dimension with a help of ruler and match it with the displayed mobile cover that you have chosen specifically for it.
Next step, is heading towards editing page and there you can upload anything you want. It may be a picture, an emogy etc.
Adjust the displayed photo with the edge line and then finish it.
As I have said earlier that there are many credulous shops online. However, I personally prefer Printland among all because of it’s product quality at a reasonable price. For example, a custom Realme xT phone cover or Realme x1 phone cover costs rs. 295/- including printing charge. Isn’t it alluring?

What are the top sold and popular realme models, from Printland?
Well, you may know that realme is a sister model of Oppo. Therefore, while swaying most popular oppo models, Printland also showcases a genuine corner to display vibrant realme models, including latest launches, realme nazro, nazro 10A etc. These are Realme 1, 2, 3, 2 pro, 3 pro, 3i, realme 5, 5 pro, 5i, 5s, Realme 6, 6 pro, Realme c1, c2, c3, U1, XT, X1etc. All these can be personalised beautifully. And each of the cover has a fixed price of Rs.295/- irrespective of sizes and brands without charging an extra penny for personalisation. For a better understanding have a brisk inspection to it’s store.
Popular brands apart from all Realme models
Apart from realme and its latest models of both Oppo and other popular models from Printland are…
Samsung: Galaxy M 30s, Galaxy M 30, Galaxy A 90 etc.
Asus: Zenfone Max Pro M2, Zenfone Max Pro M1, Zenfone 4 Sefilite etc
Xiaomi: Mi a3, Redmi note pro 8, Redmi 7 etc.
Oppo: Realme 5 Pro, Realme 3i, A7
Vivo: Y15, Y91, Y93 etc
One Plus:7T, 6T, 3T,5T, 2, 5, one plus 7.etc.
Motorola: one power (P 30 note), moto G6 play etc
i-phone: iPhone XR, iPhone 6 plus, iPhone 7 plus, personalised mobile back cover for iPhone 6 etc.
So, I believe this piece of information will certainly help you if you are indeed in search of one. So do try a mobile cover and keep styling.